2nd Hawaii Conference on FASD 

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Improving Outcomes Across Systems of Care 

September 18, 2019


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) is a worldwide public health concern. Every one of us, in some manner, has been affected by FASD. A recent study conservatively estimated FASD affects as many as one in 20 first graders. As a community, our responsibility is to ensure every individual is able to live a full and productive life. Our hope is this conference will open minds, hearts, increase awareness and demonstrate and explore interventions that work with individuals afflicted by FASD.

This conference addresses the assessment, interventions, system programs, policies, and community involvement needed to support individuals with FASD and their families/caretakers. No prior knowledge of the content is required for any session unless otherwise indicated.


On the premise that every individual deserves a full and productive life, the goals of this conference are to:

  1. Train families, mental health and substance abuse providers, medical personnel, law enforcement officers, judiciary personnel, educators, and others to assess and intervene with effective strategies that accommodate developmental disabilities.

  2. Revitalize Hawaii’s efforts to meet the lifespanneeds of individuals with FASD and their families.  

  3. Generate community awareness, educate the public, and mobilize community members and institutions to address the multiple needs of the FASD community.  

  4. Initiate the first steps to mandate and expand informed FASD services for individuals and families impacted by FASD and other developmental disabilities. 


Parents, medical professionals, probation officers, mental health and substance abuse professionals, social workers, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, CSAC, CPS, educators, attorneys, judges, and anyone working in all systems of care. We have all been affected by FASD. This conference hopes to reach out to everyone and encourage them to action. 

Continuing Education


ADAD has approved 6.5 CEs for full attendance at this conference. There is no charge for these CE hours. Please indicate on the registration form if you would like CEs.

Conference Registration

Click on the button below for more information and to register:

Program At A Glance

Click on the button below to download the PDF:

Conference Materials

Copies of presentations and handouts will not be available at the conference.

Please download and print the materials from the button below, using the password provided with your registration confirmation:

Information will be available by September 4, 2019.


Conference Presented By:

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